The Boogiepop series is a collection of Japanese light novels written by Kouhei Kadono and illustrated by Kouji Ogata. It follows a group of characters connected by repeating themes and plots. Boogiepop is a young adult fiction series that has sold millions of copies. It includes fourteen light novels, short stories, manga serials, an anime series, a live-action film, and more. The story revolves around Boogiepop, a shinigami who rises to protect the world from enemies. The series explores themes of relationships, past traumas, and the nature of change. The central characters are Boogiepop, Miyashita, Kirima, and Suema. Boogiepop Phantom, the anime adaptation, and Boogiepop and Others, the movie, are based on the original novels. The series has gained popularity and received positive reviews for its innovative storytelling and character development.