Di Gi Charat


Di Gi Charat is a Japanese manga and anime series created by Koge-Donbo. The story follows a catgirl named Di Gi Charat who becomes the mascot of a retail store. The series gained popularity and spawned various adaptations, including OVAs, movies, and video games. The original anime series introduced the characters and is set in a Gamers store. The series has been licensed by various companies, and the manga has been released in North America. The animated series depicts the adventures of Di Gi Charat, her sidekick Gema, and her rival, Rabi-en-Rose, as they work in the Gamers store. The series is known for its light-hearted and affordable animation. Over the years, there have been recasts of voice actresses for the main characters, and a new mini anime series titled Reiwa no Di Gi Charat was announced for the 24th anniversary of the series. Despite its low budget, the series has continued to release sequels, specials, and OVAs. The characters in Di Gi Charat are beloved and have become iconic in the anime community. The series has also produced various albums, games, and merchandise.