கலையான அழகான கலைநிலை > #13

Salvator Mundi
Alright Wu Tang, today we're going to steal a very valuable artwork.
Wu Tang
What kind of artwork is it this time, boss?
It's called 'Salvator Mundi' by Leonardo da Vinci. It's a painting from the Italian High Renaissance, dated around 1499-1510.
Wu Tang
Wow, that sounds impressive. But what's so special about this artwork?
Well, this painting is believed to be an original work by Leonardo da Vinci himself. It was thought to be lost, but it was rediscovered, restored, and exhibited in 2011-2012.
Wu Tang
That's incredible! But why is there a dispute about its attribution?
Some leading specialists believe that Leonardo only contributed certain elements to the painting, while others argue that the extensive damage makes it difficult to definitively attribute it to him.
Anyway, let me tell you more about the painting. It depicts Jesus Christ in a blue Renaissance dress, making the sign of the cross with his right hand. He's also holding a crystal orb in his left hand, representing the celestial sphere.
Wu Tang
So this artwork is not only valuable, but it also has a deep meaning. I can see why you're so interested in it, boss.
Exactly! I'm passionate about art, and this painting is truly remarkable.
While Hercules is still talking about his love for the artwork, Bob sniffs out their plan and approaches them.
Wu Tang
Oh no, here comes Bob! I better run before he catches us.
Wait, Wu Tang! We can't let Bob ruin our plan and take away this masterpiece.
Wu Tang mumbles complaints about her boss as she runs away.
Salvator Mundi