கலையான அழகான கலைநிலை > #34

Portrait of Joseph Roulin
Wu Tang, today we're going to steal a very valuable artwork.
Wu Tang
Oh, what kind of artwork is it, Hercules?
It's a portrait called 'Portrait of Joseph Roulin' by Vincent van Gogh.
Wu Tang
Vincent van Gogh? Who's that?
Vincent van Gogh was a famous painter. He painted this portrait in 1888 and 1889 in Arles, France.
Wu Tang
Tell me more about the painting, Hercules.
Well, the painting is a part of a series called 'The Roulin Family.' Van Gogh painted portraits of Joseph Roulin, his wife Augustine, and their three children. It's unique because it's rare to find a whole family willing to sit for paintings.
Wu Tang
So, why did Van Gogh paint this family?
Joseph Roulin was a good friend of Van Gogh when he was in Arles. Van Gogh admired him and wanted to represent someone he respected in his artwork. Plus, the Roulin family gave him the opportunity to paint people of different ages.
Wu Tang
Wow, that's interesting. What's special about this painting compared to others?
Van Gogh used his imagination and artistic techniques to evoke emotions from the audience. He didn't want to create realistic, photographic-like images. Instead, he wanted to express something meaningful as an artist. He believed that painting should be like music, comforting and full of color.
Wu Tang
That sounds beautiful. But, wait, I think someone's coming.
Stop right there! I've caught you, Hercules!
Oh no, not again! Wu Tang, run!
Wu Tang
Boss, why do we always get caught?
I guess I'm just too passionate about art to think straight. Let's go, quickly!
Wu Tang
I can't believe I have to run because of my boss's crazy love for art!
Portrait of Joseph Roulin